and p.s. ... doesn't Bruce look like he's made of wax?
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People who say “CONVERSATING" instead of "CONVERSING".
People who say they’re “CAREER ORIENTATED” instead of “CAREER ORIENTED”. It's orien-TED NOT orien-TA-ted. Ugh.
People who say “SUPPOSEBLY” instead of “SUPPOSEDLY.” Morons.
People who say “NUKECULAR” instead of “NUCLEAR” (George Bush).
People who over use the word “BASICALLY” … basically, they use basically too much because they basically can’t communicate. Basically. Oy.
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OK ... I really did try to resist the urge to blog about Kim Kardashian, I really did because I am as uttely disgusted with the Kardashian Klan as the rest of America but I feel I have an obligation to report/judge/critique and advise and I have a message for Kimmie – I TOLD YOU SO.
Now Kim, if you really want to win back the public this is what you need to do:
1. Show some integrity and return the ring.
2. Show some more integrity and return all the gifts.
3. The millions you made from advertisers, etc., should be returned and distributed to all those viewers you duped into watching your $10 million dollar "fairytale fantasy wedding" while the rest of America is jobless and in dire straits you narcissistic tramp. Thank you.
4. Commit to at least three years of serious therapy. Seriously.
5. In the future date MEN. Not puppies. Say 38 to 43 yrs.
6. Do NOT listen to your mother.
7. Get a spiritual practice going and PRACTICE IT.
Everyone on earth has had to eat humble pie at one time or another ... even fame whores.
And that's all I have to say about that.
National Post, September 2011
AgustÃn DÃaz Yanes, director of Alatriste
David Cronenberg
"I was having a Viggo moment - getting people to check out the moon, and Viggo suggested trying to cross the river. I’m like ‘Fuck off,’ and he says ‘Come on.’ So there we were, barefoot, waist-high in water, walking on these little rocks to get to the other side and I’m doing it because I’m an idiot and I’m following his lead. Because he’s an idiot. And because he’s amazing. I can’t believe how much this is going to make it sound like I’m in love with the guy."
Orlando Bloom remembering a night excursion with Viggo in the New Zealand wild (Empire magazine)
Everyone talks about how much integrity he has and how brilliant he is. And it’s true. He’s also completely insane."
Elijah Wood
-- Viggo
Exene Cervenka (Viggo’s ex-wife)
physical | 96% | |
emotional | 94% | |
intellectual | 72% | |
total | 88% |
Emma Stone. It's a beautiful gown but should have been in another color. Grade: A Michelle Yeoh. Tres Elegant. Perfection in electr...