Thursday, October 20, 2011


OMG. I'm late with this post! I was travelling through New England last week and missed my boyfriend's birthday and I'm horrified. But, better late than never. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU and I hope you had a beautiful, wonderfu, super happy birthday! With love and kisses, Moi ... XOXO

"‘It’s over,’ Mortensen joked of his relationship with Cronenberg. ‘This film was the last straw.’"

National Post, September 2011

"And Viggo Mortensen — he is the most beautiful man in the world! He is! He’s just like, WOW! He’s such a special dude." Michael Fassbender

"Viggo is terrifying. He sends you a handwritten letter, all decorated and painted, and when he arrives at your house for dinne
r he’s an intolerable guy: he cleans the fish and picks up the dishes. My wife is fascinated, and she compares the two of us. Damn, what’s a guy supposed to do? The bar is set very high."

Agustín Díaz Yanes, director of Alatriste

"Viggo’s cheap, he’s available and he’s obedient! And he’s got a great chin."

David Cronenberg

"I was having a Viggo moment - getting people to check out the moon, and Viggo suggested trying to cross the river. I’m like ‘Fuck off,’ and he says ‘Come on.’ So there we were, barefoot, waist-high in water, walking on these little rocks to get to the other side and I’m doing it because I’m an idiot and I’m following his lead. Because he’s an idiot. And because he’s amazing. I can’t believe how much this is going to make it sound like I’m in love with the guy."

Orlando Bloom remembering a night excursion with Viggo in the New Zealand wild (Empire magazine)

Everyone talks about how much integrity he has and how brilliant he is. And it’s true. He’s also completely insane."

Elijah Wood

"If I can get a day to myself, I won’t answer the phone, I’ll read or go for a walk. Simple, basic things. People think there’s always time to do that but there isn’t. Life is short."

-- Viggo

"[Viggo] kept a lot of his poetry inside his refrigerator, which endeared him to me forever."

Exene Cervenka (Viggo’s ex-wife)

Happy Birthday Viggo from your most devoted and loving girlfriend/fan/fellow traveler.
Why don't you come and see me in the ether sometime?
XOXOXO Forever Your Girl


1 comment:

  1. Debbie,

    I've been so stupid busy that I've been out of blogland, not even keeping up with my own. But it was nice coming to yours. I really like this post. Viggo inspired me this morning, and I needed it.

    Your bud




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