I know I take you guys all over the place on my blog .... everywhere from my insomnia to my childhood stories to my VENTING and my hopelessly unrealistic desire for Viggo Mortensen. But I read something today that was soooooo beautiful that I wanted to share it with all of you. I'm an avid reader and a lot of that reading has to do with spirituality. However, sometimes I have to take a break from the spiritual stuff because it's heavy ... you know, I think and think and it's meditative and sometimes I just need a break. So, I'd been reading various things, not of a spiritual nature, until I picked up this little book the other day and I just finished it ... it's called The Shift by Wayne Dyer. This quote is taken from A Course in Miracles ...
What you remember is a part of you. For you must be
The world's values are false. We are NOT what we do, we are NOT where we live, we are NOT what we weigh, we are NOT how we look, we are NOT what we possess. It just really spoke to me. You know how sometimes when you read the Bible and you might have read a certain passage for years and years and never really got it and then, one day, OMG you get it! That's how I felt when I read it.
It may not say anything in particular to you, but I wanted to share it anyway.
And don't worry ... your sarcastic, humorous and psychotic Debbie will be back soon ...