Thursday, April 3, 2014


Well Glenn Beck got his panties in a twist again.  He said this on his radio show:

Glenn Beck

I’m not going to waste. My. Life. I’m going to do what I was born to do! All men were created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! I have a right to pursue my happiness! I have a right to do what I was born to do, not what they tell me what to do. That’s what that phrase means!

Glenn was really mad you see because people are actually signing up for Obamacare.  Therefore he found it necessary to expound upon the "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" argument. 

Glenn, HOW is this affecting YOUR pursuit of happiness?  You're a gazillionire.  You can afford to purchase all the happiness you desire.  I, on the other hand, cannot afford to purchase happiness.  I am a drone.  I pay taxes and then, at the end of the year, I get to pay MORE taxes  

I don't have offshore accounts or write offs like you probably do.  And I would guess I paid more in taxes than you did.  My taxes go to all sorts things like ... well actually, I have no idea what my taxes are used for but do I complain?  No.  Do I whine?  No.  You know why?  BECAUSE I'M A DRONE that's why.  I don't have the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to buy politicians to make laws especially for me like  .... everyone has to pay taxes except for Debbie. 

As for "having a right to do what you want to do and not what they tell you to do" ... MAYBE that's true for you, but not for me.  I HAVE to do what THEY tell me to do or I go to jail.  See?  That's where we're different.  You HAVE happiness and you're not happy.  You have money and you're not happy.  You're totally pissed off because people are signing up for Obamacare.  Do see how ridiculously stupid that is?  You're MAKING yourself UNHAPPY Glenn.  See, when you're a drone you learn how to be happy being unhappy.  It's called surviving.  And I gotta be real with you ... my life is really pretty great.  I went through two layoffs but survived.  I'm working.  I get a pay check every two weeks.  I'm healthy.  In fact, just today my company laid off 40 people of which I was not one Thank You God.  So you see, you really need to count your blessings Mr. Beck.  YOU'RE RICH AND EMPLOYED. 



  1. He's a tool.
    His audience has dwindled since he was run off FauxNews so he'll do anything to make waves.

  2. Bob, thank you so much for always taking the time to comment on my posts. It really means a lot. I usually try to catch up with you on the weekends when I can luxuriate in your finely tuned sarcasm. LOVE IT!
    Have a great weekend amigo!
    Hi to Carlos!




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