Anyway, the premise of this show is this: you take three couples, you film them while they're having a fight with their "crazy" spouse and three celebrity judges decide who is the Rightest. YES. THE RIGHTEST. The winner gets $25,000 and a billboard in their hometown that says "DEBBIE WAS RIGHT!" (well, not really but you know what I mean ... the winning spouse gets the billboard) How's

Couple No. 1: Here we have a husband and wife who have been married 30 years. He thinks his wife and kids waste too much food so ... HE HIDES IT. He takes all the condiments in the house: ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc., and hides it all over the house, the garage, anywhere they can't get at it. I don't really see the logic in this but this is the issue the wife is dealing with.

Couple No. 2: Husband is an ex-lawyer, wife is a teacher and they have three kids. Husband has quit working and has now dedicated his life to following his passion which consists of living in a magical world called The Mystic Realm. He has over 300 members who participate in The Mystic Realm and they literally dress up in costume and play act that they're living in Sherwood Forest and have sword battles and basically act like a bunch of 9 year olds all day long. He justifies this by stating that he believes that if it were not for him these folks would never have an opportunity to be a part of the arts. You know, acting/drama, etc., et al. (eyes rolling ....)
Couple No. 3: Inter

Next couple: 38 years married. Husband is pissed off because all she does is buy clothes, earrings, shoes and purses and she keeps EVERYTHING. She has an extra bedroom that is basically a closet with clothing racks and a bunch of plastic bins stored with
shoes/scarve/blouses/sweaters. He believes if you haven't worn it in a year, get rid of it! Whenever she isn't home he literally goes through all her stuff and counts it.
I tell you, if you don't feel better about yourself and your marriage after one episode ... you must really be crazy. I turned to Dan and with mountains of relief said "GEE HONEY! WE'RE NOT CRAZY ... WE'RE NORMAL! DAYUM!"

Good to know.