Friday, April 9, 2021

MEAN TEACHER and other jerks ...

This lady right here ... Alyssa Rupp Bohenek is a MEAN TEACHER!  Apparently, she wrote the comment below on a little boy's paper.  Naturally, the little boy felt like crap and was afraid to go home and show it to his parents.  He is only 7 years old.


To tell a little boy that his work is PATHETIC is so damaging, so HEARTLESS, so MEAN that this broad should lose her job.  Now y'all know how I hate a bully and the worst kind of bully is a teacher who is a bully.  How does a 7 year old defend himself?! 

This lady should count her blessings that that little boy wasn't my kid because she wouldn't have any hair left after I got through with her.  

My fourth grade teacher traumatized me so badly that I would try to make myself barf every morning so I wouldn't have to go to school.  And I wasn't the only kid who did this.  EVERYONE hated this particular teacher.  I will not name her, but she had blonde hair and blue eyes that would bulge out of her head when she yelled at the class that would scare the f*ck outta everybody.  One look from her was enough to terrify a flying monkey.


These bullies infiltrate all parts of society.  Whether it's the fiefdom of an elementary school or the international halls of business and commerce, they LIVE to be mean and controlling and all powerful (e.g., one Donald J. Trump).  I pray that one day this type of behavior will no longer be tolerated by adults in the work place, or the schoolyard, or the university.  All it does is make people feel like sh*t about themselves and then some a-hole takes a sawed off shotgun and massacres an entire office building.

I'm not "blaming" ... I am merely trying to state how damaging it is when a teacher belittles a student.  SUPREMELY damaging ... because one day that student might grow up to have a blog that is read by lots and lots of people and YOU just may be the subject of one her posts.  😈

Thank you.

NEXT ...

Lance Armstrong's son has been arrested for raping a 16 year old girl in 2018.  Apparently, the apple does not fall far from the tree.  When your father is an arrogant prick it seems inevitable that the son will follow.

Good luck dickwad.

Jennifer Lopez's exes Ben Affleck, Marc Anthony lavish praise on her 

... of course they do.

I wonder how much she paid them.  NEVER HAVE I EVER known of ANYONE who is SO obsessed with her public image.  SAD. 
Jen ... hun, you can try and try and try and try but A-Rod is still going to f*ck around and you will still break up.  Just deal with it.  


  1. Remove the teacher and forbid her from ever teaching again.
    Lock up the rapist.
    Every article about JLo talks about her beauty, but if every woman in the world made her kinda money and spent as much on products and procedures, she'd be no big deal.
    And funny how all these former lovers and husbands lavish praise on her yet none of them stuck around for long.
    That tells a better story.

  2. why would a teacher bully a child who answered all the questions correctly? TWUNT!

    armstrong - sheryl crow is lucky she broke up with this drug abuser.

    j-ello is a self-absorbed BITCH!




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