Thursday, January 28, 2021


At least once a year Kate Hudson feels the need to talk shit about her dad.  The latest complaint is that she has a brother and a sister from Bill Hudson's second marriage and she nor her brother have any relationship with their other siblings.  

Kate said in People Magazine:  

"You know what I've been thinking about lately? Dad," she said. "I've been thinking about our sisters that we don't spend any time with and our brother — brothers. We've got four siblings we don't spend any time with."

So Kate ... pick up the phone.  Simple.  Make call.  

In the 1980's and 90's Goldie Hawn was a BIG STAR.  She was very rich and very powerful in Hollywood and according to Bill Hudson, she poisoned his children against him.  It's called parental alienation and it happens all the time.  He'd go over to pick them up and learn that they were in Hawaii with Goldie and Kurt.  And little by little this type of behavior alienates someone from trying and trying to see their kids and instead you get angry and upset and the next thing you know your kids are slowly drifting away from you and then BOOM!  They hate you.  Your ex has all the power and you have none.  And having known enough people with blended families this type of sabotage goes on all the time and it's very sad.  I think Bill Hudson has a whole other side to this story that no one has ever heard and that is because he is not famous like Goldie.  Goldie is FAMOUS.  Bill is not.  So he gets painted as a loser and Goldie and Kurt have the perfect family and Hollywood loves them.  I feel bad for Bill Hudson.  My two cents.  Oh, and Kate ... STOP IT already.  We all know your story.  No need to repeat it over and over ad nauseum.

NEXT ...

Kelly Osborne


PLEASE lose the lavender hair.  

SEE!  What did I tell you?  EVERY FREAKING DAY .... 

Elizabeth Hurley in a white bikini bottom and fur coat

Um ... Liz ... you do know that all women have tits, Right?  I mean ... you do know that don't you? 

This is hilarious.  Piers Morgan accused Liz of being THIRSTY and creepy.  

He said: "I just want to apologise to Elizabeth Hurley, I am very sorry - I called her thirsty because the moment the snow came out she took all her clothes off and ran outside to pose topless.

NEXT ...

Well, well, well ... seems Pammy has married AGAIN.  This time to her bodyguard, Dan Hayhurst.  

It's technically Anderson's fifth wedding to four different guys.

She was previously married to Tommy Lee from 1995 to 1998.

Then she married and divorced Kid Rock in 2006.

Then she married producer Rick Solomon twice — in 2007 and 2013. The first ended in annulment.  

It was widely reported that Anderson married businessman Jon Peters, 74, on January 20, 2020 at Shutters Hotel in Santa Monica, California.  Although now Pammy says they were NEVER married.  Um ... okay.  So what was this all about? 

The 'Baywatch' actress said in a statement: "We would be very grateful for your support as we take some time apart to reevaluate what we want from life and from one another."

Twelve days after tying the knot in a hush-hush marriage ceremony in Malibu, Pamela Anderson and Jon Peters have decided to uncouple.

So I guess this was just a bad season of Dallas marriage?

I'll just send my heartfelt condolences now.  


  1. Kate drags out her Daddy issues when she has nothing else going on, Grow up already.

    KO needs to KO that color.

    Looks like Hurley thinks she's relevant. She's not.

    Pam wants to be the new Liz Taylor but she's looking more like Rip Taylor.

  2. nuthin' but white trash here. vapid, inane cunts trying to stay relevant. who gives a fuck!

  3. Thank you! I’m so tired of the Kates & Gwyneths of the celebrity world. Yes, and EHurley too.

  4. I used to watch the Hudson Brothers variety show, for the split minute it aired. I think Bill was the one I crushed on, or maybe it was Mark. Distant memories. Kate, get therapy. You can afford it.
    I had to look up the meaning of 'thirsty' these days. I thought, why would Ms Hurley go out into the cold mostly nekkid just to eat snow because she was thirsty? No running water? Silly me!
    Pammy, Pammy, Pammy. Marriage for some people is simply legitimate, or legal (I get the two mixed up) whoring. Or ho'ing if you prefer.
    That's my two cents. Keep the change.




Emma Stone.  It's a beautiful gown but should have been in another color.  Grade:  A Michelle Yeoh.  Tres Elegant.  Perfection in electr...