Friday, July 10, 2020

Bitch Session!!

Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith confirm her involvement with August Alsina

NEVER in the history of mankind has a couple blathered on and on and on and ON about their freaking relationship EVER!!   

Jada and her Red Table 

So apparently, St. Jada, the Patron Saint of Marriage and Psychoanalysis, has admitted for all to know that she did, IN FACT, have (as she called it) an entanglement with August Alsina (who I've never heard of because I'm 63 and read books). 

The use of words like "broken" and "difficult time" and "growth" and "process" and "co-dependency" and blah blah blah blah blah.  BOTTOM LINE, Jada was getting hosed by another dude.  

JADA!  However will we deal?  You were our North Star!  Our compass .... our example and oracle of wisdom!  And NOW you tell us this?!  How will we cope?  How are we supposed to accept that y'all are just as f*cked up as everybody else?  How can we possibly go on?  

Sarcasm aside, what?  Pray tell?  Makes these two feel compelled to spill this sh*t to everyone on the planet?  I wonder if they weren't famous would they still be together because it seems to me that airing their dirty laundry is like gasoline to the fire of their love.  Obviously a deep need to be heard and seen and listened to.  So I say NO.  If they weren't famous they would not be together because there would be no one to put on this show for.  

NEXT ...

How Kim Kardashian Really Feels About Kanye West's Presidential Aspirations

See!  This is what Donald Trump started!  

Now Yeezy wants to run for president.  

First Trump, a flaming narcissist and megalomaniac and now Kanye, a bi-polar sufferer from delusions of grandeur who stated to Forbes Magazine:  

"God just gave me the clarity and said it's time [to run for president.] You know I was out there, ended up in the hospital, people were calling me crazy. I'm not crazy."Kanye told Forbes, "God just gave me the clarity and said it's time [to run for president.] You know I was out there, ended up in the hospital, people were calling me crazy. I'm not crazy."

Kanye ... U CRAZY.


  1. Sure enough is! Kane, that is. Messed up in the Calabasa and as Humpty found, it ain't all that easy to put together again, especially when it was already broke before the fall.
    And as far as Jada much for that Red Table. Just take an axe to it already and dump it cause with all that red paint, that thing is flammable.

  2. Well, that explains Jaden and Willow. Kanye? You know what, they all be cray-cray!

  3. Jada and Will spent quite a bit of time calling her side-piece a lair and now we know who the real liars are. Sorry, but they can both fuck off.

    Kanye is off his meds again.

    And lastly, thanks for this laugh out loud moment:
    "(who I've never heard of because I'm 63 and read books)"

  4. if yeezy ain't crazy, then I am the queen of england.
    and will smith is a homeboy (recognize!), but his wife needs to STFU about EVERYTHING!

  5. These are crazy people with a lot of money!!!!




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