Sunday, July 12, 2020


Yes.  I worked for her.  She was demanding, condescending, pretentious, arrogant, basically impossible to please.  I knew from the moment I met her and interviewed with her that SHE would be the pain in my ass.  And she was.  I was hired to work 9:00 to 5:30 but because I took public transportation I would always arrive in the office early, about 8:30 am.  ONE DAY, when I actually arrived at my scheduled time of 9:00 am, she yelled from her office ... "Debbie!  What are your hours!?"  Implying that I was late.  I cannot tell you how much satisfaction I felt when I answered NINE TO FIVE-THIRTY ... BITCH.

EVERYONE in the office hated her.  All my co-workers would constantly ask me "OMG How can you work for her!  She's so mean!"  Yeah.  I know.  In my many years working for entitled attorneys I have learned one thing.  DO WHATEVER THEY ASK.  I worked for three other attorneys, all partners.  Whenever this broad asked me to do something I would literally drop what I was doing for all the others and assist her because I didn't want to deal with the attitude.  She had me getting her coffee, breakfast, lunch ... I HATED THAT.  It would usually go something like this "Hey, can you run down to Starbucks and get me a coffee?  I'm about to jump on a call."  NOW, When you've JUST arrived at the office with your own coffee and muffin and would like to have YOUR breakfast the LAST THING YOU WANT TO DO IS GO BACK TO STARBUCKS AND GET HER HER SHIT.  NOTE:  None of the men I worked with EVER asked me to get them their coffee/lunch, etc.  

I worked with her for years and I hated every second of it.  When she decided she wanted another BETTER secretary she wrote up an extremely punitive complaint accusing me of basically being incompetent and I was place on probation for no other reason than to satisfy this bitch and get her the secretary of her dreams.  The secretary of her dreams turned out to be my best friend.  When I told my friend that this change was going to take place and she literally cried.  Unlike me, my friend refused to do the coffee runs, answer her phone, and drop everything in order to tend to her because she also worked for attorneys who were higher up on the totem pole.  In no time flat, the bitch requested another secretary.  SEE.  This is how it works.  When an attorney goes through secretaries like underwear perhaps she should realize that the problem is HER and not her secretaries.    

So if by chance YOU (bitch from hell) are reading this ... YES.  THIS IS ABOUT YOU.  




  Just a quick rundown on some of the more interesting looks. Selena Gomez looking beautiful and ladylike.  Grade:  A Don't know her nam...