Saturday, June 4, 2011


I simply must address all these politicos who have fucked their way through life destroying the lives of countless people ... usually innocent women and children ... like their wives and kids. And yet, I also can't help but laugh at their ridiculous attempts to deflect when questioned by journalists, T.V. news people and the like. It is a rare gift when one can vomit forth words that HAVE NO MEANING WHATSOEVER EITHER IN CONTEXT NOR CONNECTION TO THE QUESTION OR QUESTIONS AT HAND.

Case in point - Congressman
ony Weiner (D-NY), who took a picture of his wiener, but isn't sure if it was HIS WIENER or someone else's wiener because someone HACKED his phone and he can't say "with certitude" whether the wiener is his or not. But it doesn't look like his wiener because if the wiener is his, .... IT'S VERY SIMPLE MR. WIENER!!!! A SIMPLE YES OR NO will suffice. WE'LL EVEN TAKE A "NO COMMENT" ... (and just so you know ... if I took a picture of my wiener ... I'd remember. But that's just me). You see, most "regular" people don't do things like take pictures of their wieners and text them to someone ... by mistake. Only highly, intelligent and important people like you all, do crap like that. This is mainly because most "regular" people have this thing called a CONSCIOUS ... and a healthy dose of FEAR of getting caught doing disgusting things such as ... taking a picture of their wiener and then sending it into cyberspace ... you know, stuff like that. Asshole.

John Edwards indicted
on charges that he accepted $925,000 (that's almost $1 million bucks) from two supporters to hide is pregnant baby mama during his 2008 campaign for the presidency while his wife of 30 years was dying of cancer. He pled "not guilty" and insisted that he "broke no laws". I don't even have words for this one except to say he is so fucken lucky that I don't run the world.

He insists that he will "forever regret his decisions and the harm he's ...


Arnold to Maid: "I know, why don't you and I make the nasty and I won't wear a rubber or use any kind of protection whatsoever because I am the Sperminator and my seed does what I tell it to do and we can do it right here in my house and nobody will ever find out because I have billions and billions of dollars that will buy the silence of my minions while I fuck around on my wife of 25 years and destroy the mental/spiritual and emotional health of my four children ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

Arnold, I have this funny little saying that I wish I could kill people for being assholes ... but only for ten minutes. In your case I'd make an exception. Instead of ten minutes just STAY DEAD. OK?

"I did not have sex with that woman ..."

That great American Newt Gingrich and his third wife Calista, who he married in the Catholic church after he asked his second wife for a divorce while having an affair with wife no. 3 but now he's a good Catholic and so sorry about all the fucked up things he did to wife no. 1 and wife no. 2 ...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My grandmother used to say, "Men are pathetic creature, dear." Of course, that doesn't apply to every one of them, but certainly to a large percentage of elected officials.

    Hey, you forgot my favorite: the MORMON senator from Idaho who "innocently tapped his foot" in a bathroom in the Minneapolis airport. Mormons gone wild!

  3. Debbie - I love your blog. I am finding out about so many men who cheat but Arnold takes the cake. And lots of women are coming forward now who he had affairs with. What an asshole!!! Love, Evie

  4. I will never understand why an elected official thinks his/her dirty deeds will not be found out???????!!!!!!!!
    This is the information age, for pete's sake! This is the land of paparazzi and cheesy gossip shows! It has happened to so many before them... and still they do not learn!!!!!!! It takes more effort doing the bad stuff and trying to cover it up than it does to just do the good stuff!!!!!!!!! Any preschooler can tell you that!!!!!

  5. Dear Debbie

    Congressman Weiner (boy if that name wasn't prophetic) was the guy who sponsored a bill that would have -- get this -- relaxed immigration laws for foreign supermodels. With all the problems this country and the world faces, this is what this politician spends his energy on. What an unmitigated charlatan.

    Arnold's womanizing was, sadly, not surprising to me. It may be unfair, but when he married Kennedy royalty I remember wondering if even that was an expedient to his political ends.

    "Public service?" Hah! What a laugh.

    God help us all,


  6. Debbie - I love what you have to say!!! AMEN!




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