Sunday, September 12, 2021

More Adventures in Dannyland ...

SO, Danny was supposed to retire in June.  June turned into July and then August.  There are extenuating circumstances that have to do with insurance for my stepdaughter who has had two kidney transplants, and those of you who read my blog know all about it.  Bottom line, he will not feel comfortable retiring until EVERYTHING is lined up and she is covered and getting regular prescriptions.  I get it.  But the man has one kidney, is 67 and will be 68 in May.  RETIRE ALREADY!!!!!!  I mean we're heading into October for crying out loud!  

SO here's the problem.  After 25 years of marriage my husband has called in sick twice.  IN TWENTY-FIVE YEARS.  He would literally postpone death in order to finish out the week. 

The last few weeks here in L.A. have been HOT HOT HOT and GROSSLY HUMID.  He is in and out of a truck all day.  It's not unusual for my husband to feel faint and sick working in this kind of heat, but he trucks on.  I get very angry at him for this and he tells me "don't worry ... I drink a lot of water and today at lunch I went to a park and laid under a tree in the shade."  

This is not a cure for possible heatstroke.  So anyway, he came home the other day and I could tell he didn't feel well.  So I ask him "do you feel okay?"  And he says "yeah yeah, I'm just run down."

Fast forward to two weeks from now when he will be telling someone, anyone, how he thought he was going to die!  He had body aches and felt like fainting and then he was coughing and thought he had Covid, etc., et al. BUT HE NEVER TELLS ME THIS SHIT.

OK.  So you get the gist.

So this has happened all week.  He comes home, I know he doesn't feel good, he lies to me and tells me it's nothing, and then he lays on the couch and promptly starts sawing logs.  He has this thing that he will not go to bed until 9 pm because I guess only sissies go to bed at 7:30.  Later, when I go to bed I touch his forehead.  F*CK.  He's hot.  I don't have a thermometer, so I can't tell if it's a fever, but he's hot.  So I wet a washcloth with cold water and put it on his forehead.  Because I love him even though I'm a nagging bitch.

So today we had appointments to get our hair cut and my hairdresser lives in another state (not really, but might as well ) because we have to drive a hundred and fifty miles to get there.  Anyway, we were at her house for a couple of hours because Danny and my hairdresser's husband started talking and once my husband starts talking, forget it.

FINALLY, I tell him WE GOTTA GO.  He says ok ok.  We get in the car and he says to me "we should go to Cost Co."  He's right.  We really should go, but I wanted him to rest, and I wanted to rest too.  So ... WE GO TO COST CO.  You know what that's like right.  You buy $400 worth of goods and then you have to lug it all to your car and then lug it all out of your car, and put everything away, BLAH BLAH BLAH.  So Dan unloads the car and then promptly lies on the couch.  I naturally, get mad.  Now I have to put EVERYTHING away AND make dinner.  I'm such a bitch, but you guys I hate cooking and I hate cooking because I hate being hot, and I especially hate being hot in the fkn summer!  So I basically give him shit for not helping me.  He says nothing because he doesn't feel good, but DOESN'T TELL ME HE DOESN'T FEEL GOOD so I don't know he doesn't feel good, but even if he did tell me he didn't feel good it wouldn't matter because when I offer to take care of him he says no no no, I'm fine.  UGH.  Nine o'clock arrives and he tells me he is heading off to bed and I feel lonely and neglected.  

Next morning I ask him, "how do you feel?"  He says "a lot better!"  So I say, OK, TODAY WE ARE DOING NOTHING!  YOU NEED TO REST.  YEAH YEAH he says.  So I plop myself on the couch and start watching all my morning shows, get on the internet for a while and then I notice him going up and down the stairs like WTF? So I go upstairs and he's STEAM CLEANING THE SHOWER WALLS.  So I tell him "this is not relaxing!" and he says "the mildew on these walls is gross!  Have you ever cleaned them!?"

1.      Who is this man?
2.     He's supposed to be RESTING.  
3.     I'm a failed housekeeper.
4.     So now I feel compelled to clean ... like a mother-f*cker.




  1. Carlos is the same about going to bed. He will fall asleep in his chair and when I wake and tell he needs to go to bed, he says he was "resting" his eyes.
    For half an hour, I say.

    PS Danny? Retire already! You've earned it!

  2. WHAT IS IT?!?!?! Yeah. I get the "resting my eyes" comment too. SIGH I'll post a special the day he pulls the plug! I just want to make sure I'm not a widow the day he retires!




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