Sunday, October 20, 2019

More adventures in Dannyland ...

So, after donating a kidney to our daughter, Danny now has to seriously watch his sodium intake.  This is serious because when one donates a kidney your blood pressure rises and you do not want this to happen.  And with my husband especially, he does not want to be on blood pressure medication.  It has some nasty side effects like bone pain.  So he's doing all he can to handle this situation by educating himself and trying to buy low sodium products, crackers, chips, etc., et al.  

Once Danny gets on a subject, (e.g., understanding the stock market or wanting to understand the computer better he will research and research and research until he becomes an expert on the subject.)  Likewise with educating himself regarding the sodium content on EVERYTHING which involves reading every single label in the entire store to make sure he's purchasing the product with the absolute LEAST amount of sodium.  This is great.  It is really a good thing and I admire it.  However, NOT WHEN I AM WITH HIM AT THE MARKET.    

I am one of those highly sensitive people who cannot deal with a shitload of people, noise, etc., et al.  So going to Walmart on a Sunday afternoon on a 97 degree day in October to do marketing is just about enough to send me over the edge.  THEN, to have to wait while he reads every freaking label to compare sodium content from brand to brand … well, I am literally ready to put a bullet in my head.  If I'd had Valium on me I would have been popping that shit like candy.  

Meanwhile, as I was strolling in the frozen food section there was a man coming right at me with his cart. I could not get out of his way because there was a man and a woman STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING AISLE to my right making it impossible for me to move, let alone get out of his way.  He then makes snarky remark and I'm like "dude, I can't move!  I've got two people on my right here and you're right in front of me!  Where do you want me to go!?  (FYI, responding to a snarky man in the Walmart is almost equal to asking someone to blow your brains out, but DAMNIT I WAS PISSED!)  

After that little incident I had an immediate, and I mean IMMEDIATE need to visit the ladies room.  Let me put it to you this way … I'm like a puppy.  Once I eat and walk around a little bit I need to "do my business" … BUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  So, there I am in a Super Walmart which is about the same size of a football field which means I will more than likely have to walk four miles to the nearest bathroom.  IF I don't make it it could be a disastrous situation.  Not to mention that I HATE HATE HATE using a public restroom.  So I ask the nearest Walmart person where the bathroom is.  He mumbles "in front of register 11" … (me thinking … please GOD … do not let Register 11 be four miles away).  I have no time to inform my husband that I'm having a medical emergency because as is Danny's way HE'S DISAPPEARED, so I just walk as fast as possible, sweating the entire time.  I MADE IT.  

So I head back to where I left my old man and find him searching for me in front of the cash registers.  I am literally in front of him and he doesn't see me.  Then I say HEY!  And he tells me "that was really rude.  I was waiting for you and looking for you everywhere.  Why didn't you tell me where you were going?"  BECAUSE YOU WERE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND AND THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CARRY YOUR PHONE! 

So we finish our shopping.  He has become a fan of Ezekiel bread.  Walmart did not have Ezekiel bread.  So after we check out (an hour), get to our car, load car (in 97 degree heat in OCTOBER), and head home he says to me …"you wanna stop a Ralph's to get the Ezekiel bread?"  Allow me to explain my work week.  I began a new job which I really like, but my office is literally an hour and a half drive from my house.  So by Friday I was BEAT.  So NO.  I do not want to stop and get the Ezekiel bread.  Those of you who read my blog know that "no" is NEVER something I can say to Danny.  He will bug and bug and bug and bug and bug and bug and bug as to WHY?  WHY?  WHY?  WHY?  I can just run in and get the bread.  It'll take two minutes. We can just get it on our way home.  It'll be fast …. then we can go home blah blah blah blah blah,  

Thank you.


  1. I'd stay outta Walmart.
    That said, if Danny is so sensitive, and by the way,good for him, let him do the groceries and spend four hours reading labels.
    Lastly, I'd stay outta Walmart.
    And if I was EVER in a Walmart I'd leave and go to the nearest gas station before I'd use their bathroom.
    Yeah, stay outta Wa;mart.

    1. I hear you. I NEVER shop at Walmart. It his HIS idea to go there. Why? I don't know. But yeah … NO MORE WALMART FOR DEBBIE. UGH.

  2. oy! mine just had his right hip replaced 3 weeks ago. he is testing my last nerve right now. and I have a medical problem with my legs, but who gives a fuck about me?

    1. I DO. I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU because you always read my blog and send me comments which is like an injection of love and approval to me and trust me, we all need plenty of love and approval. XOXOXOXOXOX

  3. Haha Debbie you are hilarious!!! I have a brother like Danny! Drives me up the wall but I love him!




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