Wednesday, March 13, 2019


These two bitches right here:  

THIS is why I hate rich people.  They're cheaters!  I HATE CHEATERS!  People who can not only afford to send their kids to fancy schools, but when they have kids who are too stupid to actually get into those schools, they can pay off and bribe people to LIE in order to get their stupid kids into fancy schools.  

Here's the thing.  You can cheat at Monopoly, but the win isn't legitimate.  How can anyone enjoy that?  THAT kind of win never satisfied me.  BECAUSE I DIDN'T REALLY WIN.  But there are those people who don't care HOW they win, even if it is by cheating and lying.  Back in the Dark Ages when I was a little girl, how often did I hear a teacher say:  CHEATERS NEVER PROSPER.  But you know what?  THEY DO.  WHEN THEY'RE RICH. 

Lori Loughlin's daughter, Olivia Jade, has her own You Tube channel.  Check it out if you want your brains turned to oatmeal.  What a self-involved little twit  going on and on about HER CAREER ?????  Now it looks like USC may expel her.  MAY expel her?  THEY ABSOLUTELY SHOULD FUCKING EXPEL HER?  She cheated.  She doesn't have the ability, nor the scores to be attending USC.  Expel her ass.  Now here's another sad fact:  Miss Olivia Jade DOESN'T NEED A DEGREE FROM USC because she's already loaded due to mommie and daddy.  Forget feeling any shame.  Forget any suffering.  NOTHING will happen to her. 


And nothing will happen to her rich parents.  Oh, they may have to pay a fine (a fine that they can absolutely afford), but that's about it.  No one will go to jail.  Know why?  BECAUSE THEY'RE RICH.  

Here's what I would do.  I'D MAKE THEM PAY FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE GIRL OR BOY WHO DIDN'T GET INTO USC BECAUSE OF THEIR STUPID DAUGHTER.  Seems fair right?  Not only that.  They should pay for their housing and expenses too.  



  1. This pisses me off.
    When i think about kids who have the grades and credentials to get into these good schools and can't because some self-entitled rich motherfucker cheated and bribed to get their stupid kids in first, my blood boils.
    I think all of their kids should be kicked out, whether they were in on the scam or not, and if they want to reapply, do so and get in on their merits, if they have any.
    That Olivia Asshat thing and her video about partying at school. Fuck off.
    And her parents who spent over half-a-million to get them into USC? That was more than the actual costs of USC. Rich AND stupid.

  2. they look like vapid little twits. little more than botox and plastic. no brains. no job prospects either. and these are just the mothers!




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