Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A RANT .......

OK.  So I get on the bus this morning anticipating a nice quiet ride so I could enjoy my book until this Indian guy sat right in front of me and began talking on the phone, in his language,  LOUDLY, the entire fucking way.  Do you know what that is like?!  IT'S LIKE NAILS ON A CHALKBOARD!  THAT'S WHAT IT’S LIKE!!  He was annoying the shit out of everyone and no one had the courage to tap this fool on the shoulder and say "hey pal, PUT A SOCK IN IT!!  Not even me.  But that’s only because I’m afraid of people and possibly being shot in the face.  Everyone on the bus were passively aggressively rolling their eyes and sighing loudly.  Of course, the Dufus does not get the hint because he is wrapped up in his conversation, and NOW he is giggling like a little girl which makes me want to dot his eyes out.

Those of you who know me know that I have ABSOLUTELY NO PATIENCE WHATSOEVER.  If someone is breathing too loud it annoys the crap outta me.  I had to listen to this moron for 45 minutes.  KILL ME PLEASE.  When I finally got off the bus, another lady got off with me and we both said at the same time ‘HOLY SHIT!’  Which is proof that one bus rider can ruin your whole morning!  God I hate people.

Next …

So yesterday I drove to work.  I don’t mind driving to work, but what bugs me is the drive home.  There is always, ALWAYS that one idiot who is right in front of me driving ten miles UNDER the speed limit with 17 miles of empty road in front of him.  And of course I can’t get in front of him because I have two assholes on either side of me who also aren’t moving, so I'm stuck!  It’s all I can do to keep from ramming into all of them.  God I wish I drove a Sherman tank.  DON'T YOU PEOPLE WANT TO GET HOME?!!  JEEZ!  Why? WHY would anyone drive 12 mph WHEN THERE IS NO ONE IN FRONT OF YOU!  Idiots.
Next ....

Stormy Daniels.  Yeah.  So hey ... I would definitely hide a dead body for a friend.  Would I pay someone $130,000 to hide an affair out of my own pocket?  UH ... NO.
Next ...
Scott Baio ... next time you goad someone into talking to the police you should think twice dude.
LAPD is now investigating Chachi for sexually molesting co-star Nicole Eggert when she was 14 and also bullying, yelling homosexual slurs and assaulting his other co-star Alexander Polinsky, when he was a minor.  Face it Scott ... you're a douche.  
Scott is a major Trump supporter and fellow sexual predator.  In his own words:
"I don't give a shit if I ever work again," Baio who spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention, sniped to the Hollywood Reporter in an interview released Wednesday.  "My country comes first.  I guest I'm just an old, angry, successful white guy who stole everything he has from someone else." 

Scott, this part right here:  "I don't give a shit if I ever work again ...."    GOOD TO KNOWBecause frankly, I thought you were dead. 




  1. Scott Baio. Can't wait to see him go down for this one.
    Stormy? They'd have to pay me in the millions, THE MILLIONS, to even think about the thought of the possibility oif the idea of the chance that i would sleep with that Fat Bastard.
    Slow drivers should be killed. That's all!




Golden Globe Hostess Zuri Hall.  Those breasts need to burst free!  They're suffocating!  Gown:  beautiful gown with Judy Jetsen hips.  ...