Wednesday, May 27, 2015

SO ....

Danny's got his foot in a splint.  FOR JOY.  This means I not only get serve him, feed him, and scratch his balls, I still have to do the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning and everything else I do while he gets to stay home for the rest of the week RECUPERATING.  He's already threatened to buy a little bell.  It told him to think twice about that or he might discover his gonads tinkling.   

I don't mean to sound harsh, really I don't.  And I don't mind parking in the FAR parking space that makes me walk further to the condo, I really don't.  And I don't mind having to do the heavy duty shopping at Cost Co and lug all the groceries into the house, I really don't.  You know why?  BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I FUCKEN DO ALL THE TIME ANYWAY.  However, his little requests can get under my skin.  Like this morning as I was leaving for work, I kissed his little head as he lay in bed ... and as I reached the bedroom door he informed me that "his toes itched."  


  1. I've heard tell that if you snip the toes off, you can still feel 'em itching.

    But then you really don't care any more cuz there AIN'T NO TOES!!!!!!!

  2. OHHHHH EMMMMM GEEEEE!!! BAH HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'VE MISSED YOUR POSTS! Thank you for this, made my day, again!

    awww, wanted to see what Enid posted, boo



J-LO needs my help ...

  Everyone knows that I hate Jennifer Lopez.  But, because I am trying to be a better person and not spread negativity into the Universe bri...