Yup. Danny.
So I tell him, you better go to the doctor right away. You could be having an allergic reaction. That thing could swell your throat up and you could suffocate and die! This is serious Dan. Let's go to urgent care right now!
Dan: Nah. I'm okay.
Me: WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN STUBBORN?! GAWD DANNY this could be very serious.
Dan: If I was gonna die I would have died already.
Fast forward to 10:00 pm. The man has a raging fever and headache. For this he takes ONE Advil (because God forbid, he doesn't wanna hallucinate or anything). So he's feeling like crap, but goes to work the next day and suffers. FINALLY, gets to the doctor two days later because now that his limbs are turning black and his fingers are beginning to fall off he's concerned ... (that's sarcasm) and the doctor tells him ... are you ready?
Doc: You obviously had an allergic reaction to the bee venom. You're lucky

Married 15 frickin years and the man never, EVER takes my word for ANYTHING!