Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Chris Cuomo, Tucker Carlson and others (basically, a rant) ...

IN light of Tucker Carlson and his spin on January 6, and Chris Cuomo sharing info with his lying, sexually perverted brother THEN come to find out Chris is a sexual harasser as well, I thought it was important that all you young kids know that a long time ago, there was a man by the name of Walter Cronkite. 

He said the news.


Not how he FELT about the news.

Not what he THOUGHT about the news.

Not how he OBTAINED the news.

He just REPORTED the news.  That’s all. 

He was the most trusted man in America. 


I miss those days.


I also miss the days when you could give your kid a beat down in the grocery store without getting arrested.


Khloe Khloe Khloe.  SIGH.

1.    NEVER NEVER NEVER make a baby with someone unless you're married.  Not that this insures that your man will not cheat, but at least you would have legal recourse to nail his ass via lots and lots of dollars -- MILLIONS of dollars.

2.    If he is dating you and cheating on his pregnant girlfriend at the same time, this is what you would call a BIG FUCKIN RED FLAG.

3.    The first time he cheats on you will not be the last, as time has shown.  He is showing you who he is.  Pay attention.

4.    If he makes a baby with someone else while he is with you, END IT.  Do not  do not give him a second chance, do not pass GO, do not collect $200.  LEAVE.  PERIOD.  And NEVER go back.  EVER.  

5.    Do NOT date ANYONE in their 20's.  I'd say 35 to 40 would be a wiser choice.  You need a mature man who knows who he is,  However, finding this in your world is not very likely.     

Unfortunately, since you did not adhere to items 1 thru 4 above, it very well may be too late for you.  

My parting advice:

Get some therapy, figure your shit out, DO THE WORK, LEARN from your mistakes and don't repeat them.  You'd be surprised how much better you will feel about yourself as a woman and a person.

But I know you won't do any of this and more than likely you will:

(a) Give Tristan another chance;

(b) Have another baby with Tristan;

(c) Marry Tristan and hope for the best.


NEXT ...

Kayleigh McEnany said she didn't lie in the White House briefing room because she went to Oxford, Harvard, and Georgetown and was a Christian

Hey Kaylie, ever heard of Jim Bakker?  Jimmy Swaggert?


I love how you think that saying you're a Christian is supposed to absolve you of lying when you did, in fact, LIE multiple times.  You're a lying liar and we all know it.  And Jesus doesn't like you.

And SOMEONE PLEASE fire this nut case Marjorie Taylor Greene.  

That's all.

1 comment:

  1. I liked Cuomo, but he WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY overstepped.

    Khloe is a dumb fuck. You get pregnant with a guy who dumped his pregnant girlfriend for you and you think he changed?
    Fuck all the way off.

    Kayleigh. Bullshit Barbie.




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