Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Reunion Part III

Holy shit!  Camille Grammer is fucking looney tunes!  Did anyone see the show last night?  
She is (1) a LOUSY actress; and (2) a LOUSY human being.

Ok.  I know I don't write much these days, and I write less about the Housewives of anything.  I only watch the Housewives of Beverly Hills and New York.  The others bore the fuck outta me.  

But Camille!  Talk about desperately trying to have a storyline.  Her freaking mansion burned down during the Malibu fires and she was super upset because it was the only house that was truly HERS!  (Thank you Kelsey Grammer for your humongous $30 million divorce settlement) 

It's very odd.  When she first appeared on RHOBH she was affected and bitchy but then, …. after she wasn't a regular and started appearing as a guest, she got nice?!  And I thought, uh, well, maybe she's more comfortable to be herself.  But NAW.  She's just a phoney b*tch.  

Vanderpump was a no show to the reunion tapings and has announced that she will not return to the Housewives because THOSE WOMEN!  QUESTIONING HER INTEGRITY?!  HOW DARE THEY!  So, she orchestrates this whole scenario wherein she decides to get a lie detector test, on camera, to prove that she did not leak an item to Radar Online.  What's that saying by Shakespeare?  …  "lady doth protest too much, me thinks."  Just sayin'.  

Personally I find Vanderpump a bit much.  I think she throws the rock and then hides her hand and plays innocent.  Her image is everything to her and I won't miss her at all.  Used to like her … not so much anymore.  

As for the other ladies, love them all!

Rinna - LOVE!

Erika Jayne - LOVE HER!

Denise Richards - LOVE!

Teddy Mellenkamp - LOVE!

Dorit - a little full of herself, but NOT like Vanderpump.

Kyle Richards has been on the show since the beginning.  She was Vanderpump's best friend, but over the years you could see how Vanderpump ran the relationship.  It was her way or the highway.  She'd throw Kyle under the bus in a heartbeat after making her do her dirty work and then hang Kyle out to dry.  Not very nice LVP.  Kyle seems really torn up over the loss of this friendship.  But as an outsider looking in, losing Vanderpump's "friendship" is not a loss.  Friends do not throw friends under the bus.  Period.  EVER.  However, I WOULD LIKE TO SEE Kyle stop with performing the splits and swinging her hair like a 1960's GO-GO girl every time she gets plastered. 

That's it!  Bye for now!


Monday, July 22, 2019

Dannyland ... #1,347

SO, it's 183 degrees in Los Angeles today.  Unlike other parts of the country, summer in So. Cal starts in July and ends literally on November 1.  My husband is also in vacation this week.  I hate when he's on vacation.  I love him.  But I hate when he's home.  Every.  Day.  For a week.  

Today he says:  "HEY!  Let's make carne asada!  

This means that I, yours truly, will have to stand over a hot stove and make rice and beans, and slice avocados and then I get to heat up a bunch of tortillas.  Corn and Flour.  I hate heating corn tortillas because they take a year.  A flour tortilla heats up in seconds.  Corn, not so fast.  This is because Danny likes them burnt … to a crisp, which I have told him over and over again is carcinogenic and not good for you, but whatever.  I don't understand why he just doesn't eat his beans with chips, but I digress.

OK.  She here's the annoying part.  To make Spanish rice you need tomato sauce.  I ALWAYS HAVE TOMATO SAUCE because I MAKE LOTS OF RICE.  Every time I go to the market I will pick up at least 2 cans of tomato sauce just for this purpose.  Now, in the old days when you went to the market it was EASY to buy TOMATO SAUCE.  Because TOMATO SAUCE was just TOMATO SAUCE.  It's not like that anymore.  Now they have tomato sauce, "with garlic," "Italian style tomato sauce," "tomato sauce with no salt," "tomato sauce with basil," "tomato sauce for meatloaf,"  etc., et al.  Also, the tomato sauce is on the lowest shelf which means this old lady with arthritis in her knee has to BEND DOWN and read every freaking can of tomato sauce just to find PLAIN OLD TOMATO SAUCE. 

So, I look in the pantry.  EUREKA!  Tomato sauce …. Italian style.  FUCK.  So I tell Dan …. "we have no tomato sauce."  Let's leave this right her for a moment.

Danny, the man who can FIND NOTHING …

Hon, where are my … (shoes, keys, wallet, glasses, toothbrush, socks, dental floss, Q-tips, FILL IN THE BLANK)  IMMEDIATELY BEGINS SEARCHING THE PANTRY …. FOR TOMATO SAUCE. With a vengeance.  He never EVER searches for anything unless it is directly related to his stomach.    

I REITERATE … DAN!  WE DON'T HAVE ANY!  (for which I am secretly so happy about because I now do not have to make rice in a hot kitchen with the temps outside at 183 degrees) … 

DAN, the man who can find NOTHING, ...


Hon!  (he shouts with glee) I FOUND TOMATO SAUCE!


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

People and things that bug the shit outta me ... Part 797

1.     People who just sit in their cars in a parking lot, right next to my car,  
        bug the shit outta me;

2.     The Ameritrade financial guy bugs the shit outta me …        

3.     Kathy Lee Gifford bugs the shit outta me.

4.  Julia Roberts, The Princess of Hollywood, who got her panties in a 
     twist because she didn't get an Emmy nomination … bugs the shit outta me. 

Julia could never make it in the real world because NO ONE gets applause or Emmy nominations just for going to work.  EVER.  Freaking cry baby.

That's all ... for now.


Emma Stone.  It's a beautiful gown but should have been in another color.  Grade:  A Michelle Yeoh.  Tres Elegant.  Perfection in electr...