Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Donald, Donald, Donald.  Let me esplain somthin' to you.

You never, ever, EVER make threats to someone like El Chapo.  I know you think you're a bad ass with your millions of dollars and your funky red comb-over, but in El Chapo's world you're a nothing.  He could get to you, chop your head off and leave it in the lobby of Trump Tower on a stick all before you could could say "WHAT THA ..."

(And FYI ... he has a hell of a lot more money than you)
Word to the wise.  Do not play cowboys and Indians with a real cowboy.  It is very dangerous.  But on the other hand it's also pretty funny.  When I picture you attempting to engage with the most dangerous, violent drug lord IN THE WORLD in your little Twitter rant I can't help but laugh.  You're gonna "kick his ass?"  Donald.  In the words of St. Ronald Reagan ... "Read My Lips" ... YOU ARE NOT GOING TO KICK EL CHAPO'S ASS.  EVER.  You rich white people crack me up. 

P.S.  Don't say I didn't warn you. 

NEXT ...
Whoopi Goldberg has finally changed her tune with regard to Bill Cosby because (eyes fucking rolling) she didn't know about the statute of limitations on rape.  Really Whoopi?  You're on The View.  It's your job to know shit like this.  UNBELIEVABLE.  That is why it is so incredible that so many women were coming forward with their stories to begin with!  BECAUSE THEY HAD NOTHING TO GAIN!  THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS HAD ALREADY RUN you stupid, stupid woman. 

And p.s.  Whoopi, you're a traitor to your gender.  You showed not one ounce of compassion for any of these women and continued to defend Cosby until the backlash on The View became too much.  VERY disappointing.  


  1. I saw Whoopi's "change of heart" when she learned about the statute of limitations and called bull shiz on it right away. She's far too smart to not have known about that and I think she's just trying to save face.
    But then what does one expect from a woman--whom, most of the time I agree with--who says that sometimes women deserve to get hit by men because they provoke them.

    As for [t]Rump; this killed me, and not in that El Chapo way but in a giggle-snort way:
    "in El Chapo's world you're a nothing. He could get to you, chop your head off and leave it in the lobby of Trump Tower on a stick all before you could could say "WHAT THA ...""

  2. You are so right about Whoopie! She's no fucking feminist, that is for sure!! I love the stance Judd Apatow had taken against Cosby. Very vocal, very supportive of women. I love him.
    We saw Bill Cosby years ago, it was a gift from my MIL to her whole family.i wish I could get her money back for supporting that piece of shit.
    Donald Trump: Orange is the New Dumb




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