Hair, to me, is the only thing I got going for myself at this stage. So styling it, coloring it, cutting it, growing it, streaking it - these are all things that I do to give myself a little lift. Having done NOTHING to my hair in the last year has been a righteous bummer. SO, decision made. I'm going to color my hair. I know I can't afford the blond thing so I figured a nice warm brown would look good and then I could add blond streaks later. So, I get to my appointment figuring I'll be there two hours tops. SEVEN AND A HALF HOURS LATER I finally walked out of there!
So my hairdresser says to me "Brown? NO! Let's just add some platinum highlights all over ... it'll look great!" "Okay, sounds good." The process begins. Several hours later I'm done and when I look in the mirror it looks like I've aged another 15

When I get home, the hubs, as usual, doesn't even notice ... thinks it looks the same, it looked good the way it was, yeah yeah yeah WHATEVER. HE HAS NO IDEA HOW MUCH I PAID but I figure since I'm a short order cook/maid, slave and dishwasher, I figure I EARNED IT.
So, Friday we had planned to take a drive to visit Lauren and Dawn and see how they were coming along since the surgery. I took a big ol pot of my tortilla soup and some really yummy red velvet cupcakes. During the drive Danny asks me in his sarcastic little way "so, you think anyone will notice your hair?" (he asks me this because he's certain NO ONE will notice and because he thinks that the only reason I see a difference is because I'm delusional and psychotic) and I tell him that if anyone notices it will be Breanne cause Breanne is a girly girl (and in truth EVERYONE on earth would notice I colored my hair except Danny because when it comes to me, Danny never notices anything I do). We arrive. DING DONG. Breanne answers the door ... "YOU COLORED YOUR HAIR! I LIKE IT!" I turn to look at my husband with that expression I have that I'm sure he loathes ... and without uttering one word say "SEE. I WIN."