So, there actually was no traditional red carpet this year so I just Googled 2021 Golden Globes Red Carpet and copied and posted the pics.
Don't you think Covid has made movie stars less relevant? I feel so blase about them now and I really like it. YOU GUYS AREN'T THAT IMPORTANT ANYMORE OK. You're just regular people like us. We can see your movies on Netflix and don't have to pay $20 plus to go to the movie theatre. No more premieres. No more red carpets. Humbling ain't it?
So ... let's get to it.

Sarah Hyland posing very oddly in her red frock.
Grade: B
Salma Hayek also in red in a typical form fitting - bust enhancing gown with diamond pin. Grade: B
Rosamund Pike wearing a red pouf with combat boots. There are fashion risks and fashion phuck-ups. This is a fashion phuck-up. Grade F-
Maya Rudolph. I know this year is virtual but the least you could have done was change out of your muumuu and put on a sparkly gown for 20 minutes. Grade: F-
Maria Bakalova in a lovely red ball gown. Grade: B+
Maria was in Sacha Baron Cohen's Borat 2. Did anyone see this film? DISGUSTING. Especially the scene where Ms. Bakalova enters a beauty pageant and proceeds to do acrobatics while on her period with blood everywhere. SO. GROSS.
The beautiful Margot Robbie. Mmmm ... doesn't wow me. Grade: C-
Tres chic. Who are you?
Laverne Cox always nails it! Grade: A
Laura Dern rarely nails it. Hate the jacket, hate the choker, hate the shoes. HATE IT ALL. Grade F-
Kyra Sedgwick looking pretty in peach. Wish I could see all of it. Hair and makeup are good. It looks like Ms. Kyra may have had a little work.
Grade: B-
Kristin Wiig. This is a cute frock but it is too young for her. Sorry folks, but that's how I see it. P.S. In future, make sure to really blend your self tanner. Grade: C-
I hate Kate Hudson. Spoiled Princess of Hollywood. HOWEVER, this is a very pretty gown, her earrings are perfect as is her hair and makeup. Grade: A.
Kaley Cuoco. I'm not feeling this gown. The hair is hanging like spaghetti, BUT has anyone once seen her in "Flight Attendant"? OMG It is SO GOOD! I only saw the pilot because I have no idea how to find HBO MAX???
Grade: D-
Julia Garner looking very 1920's! Beautiful lips and I love the dress ... which I could see more. Grade: A
January Jones. Nice tits. That's about it. Hair - bad, makeup - bad, dress - bad. Grade: D-
Jamie Lee Curtis. This is a difficult color to pull off. Jamie does it well. But she needs some jewelry. Grade: C
I don't know who this is but I actually like this pantsuit. Tres chic. Not Golden Globes appropriate, but we ARE virtual. Hair - bad, makeup - bad. She would have received a better grade if she'd shuzzed it up. Grade: C
Gal Gadot. I do not like this dress. Not feeling the sleeves or the necklace. All in all, it looks like a tent. Grade: D
Uh ... All that's missing is the pointed hat with a dingle ball on the top. That would have finished off this CLOWN gown. Grade: F
Elle Fanning. Ethereal, luminous, BEAUTIFUL. Grade: A+ WINNER WINNER WINNER!
Eiza Gonzales. This is one beautiful Latina! Not sure if the black hose is working. But I'll give her an A- (because she's Mexican!) P.S. If you all haven't seen "I Care A Lot" --- SEE IT! IT IS PHENOMENAL!
Daniel Levy. LOVE HIM!!! He is so cute and so funny! Grade: A
Grade: F-
Andra Day - WOW! Beautiful face! Love the hair, love the jewels, love the gown! Grade: A
Amy Pohler - GET. A. STYLIST.
Amanda Seyfrid. GORGEOUS! Love the gown, love the color, LOVE THE HAIR. She is perfection! Grade: A+ WINNER WINNER WINNER!!!
Gillian Anderson. I love this. The color of the gown goes really beautifully with her skin tone and her hair color. Grade: A
Nicole Kidman. Beautiful! Hair and make up beautiful. Wish I could have found a close up. Grade: A
Regina King. Hair and makeup are beautiful. Gown is interesting. Grade: B
Anya Taylor Joy. Hair and make-up is beautiful. I HATE HATE HATE this shade of green however, it is quite elegant and effective. Grade: A
Viola Davis wearing a Peter Max poster. Those of you born 20 years after the 1960's will not get this reference. Grade: B
Renee Zelwegger. I LOVE RENE. Always goes with a very simple yet elegant gown. Grade: B
Isla Fisher. Uh ... nice gown but Pepto Bismol pink rarely works. This would have looked so much better in a champagne or even black. Grade: D
Bryce Dallas Howard. Perfect example of sequins gone bad. Grade: F-
LA DIVINA - Catherine Zeta Jones. CUT YOUR HAIR!!!! Get some layers or something. Lighten it up! You look like Morticia. Grade: F-