Sunday, January 19, 2020

202 SAG Red Carpet Best and Worst ...

I have always said that you can never go wrong with black and white … except for this.  Much too busy.  Maybe if the top was just black, or just white, but print everywhere is too much. Grade:  C

Jenny from the Block … OK OK.  She brought the glam.  So I HAVE to give her a good grade even though I can't stand her.  Grade:  A

Alex Borstein.  How can a gown actually make you look 4 feet tall?  Grade:  D-

Dance competition gowns don't count.  
(whoever you are).

Alison Janney, my close personal friend, … Alison … I don't like it.  I just don't.  Grade:  D  (But I still love you!)

Bat wing sleeves like this ... most unattractive and should only be seen on a bat.  Grade:  D

America Ferrara … too plain.  

This is the exact same maxi-dress I had in high school.  What.  The.  Hell.

Halloween anyone?  


La Divina Catherine Zeta-Jones … face getting stretched a little too tight hon?

Charlize Theron.  LOVE.  Grade:  A

Cynthia … Love.  Grade:  B

Dakota Fanning.  This is so, SO blah.  Color:  blah, Gown:  blah,  Hair:  blah and NO BLING.  Grade:  Double F Minus.

Elizabeth Moss.  I actually really love this.  It's feminine and pretty and her hair and makeup is perfect.  Grade:  A

Glenn Close.  Gown?  Cape?  It's pretty, but what is it?

 Gwendolyn Christie decided to wear a parachute.  SMH.

Crazy, Kooky, TALENTED Helena Bonham Carter.  LOVE HER.  Her outfit?  Not so much.

Jennifer Aniston.  Very pretty … is that Donna Karan?  

 Jennifer Garner … looks like a rerun.

One should ALWAYS cover up what they don't have.  Just sayin.

Laura Dern.  I think it's time to switch stylists.  

WINNER WINNER WINNER!!!  Love this!  Grade:  AAA+++

 Lupita … another black and white gown that isn't cutting it.  Looks like she bought it from H&M.  

The beautiful Margot Robbie.  I suddenly feel an urge to dance a jig??
Grade:  A  Love it!

Meryl.  Hon, the black rimmed glasses and that large necklace belongs on something that Bella Abzug might have worn.  Grade:  F minus

Michelle Williams.  Tres elegant.  Grade A.

Millie Bobbie Brown.  Lose the pants.  

So … I like it.  I really do.  Grade:  B-

Nicole Kidman.  Beautiful.  Grade:  A

Is it a skirt?  A dress?  A tutu?  A bathing suit?  

 It might have worked but the hair sucks.

Rachel Brosnahan … Electra Glide in Blue.

Reese Witherspoon wearing the same dress she wears every year.  

Renee Zelwegger.  This is basically the same dress she wore to the Globes except this one is navy blue.  Whatever.

Don't know this lady but I love the gown.  Grade:  A

Sarah Hyland.  NO.  Bathroom curtains gone bad.  

Mmmm … not feeling it.  The hair Scarlett, the hair.

Molly Simms in a bubble-gum pink large piece of material.  Grade:  F

Winona Ryder.  Hair sucks.  Lose the jacket.

A swathed baby?  Can she move her arms?

Zoe Kravitz channeling Audrey Hepburn magnificently!  WINNER WINNER WINNER!

That's it folks.  NEXT ... THE OSCARS!


Tuesday, January 14, 2020



Personally, I don't watch this show because I work for a living, but even if I didn't, I wouldn't watch.  Just a bunch of cackling hens screaming over each other.  Apparently, the gal on the far right (Abby Huntsman) is leaving the show due to it's toxic atmosphere.  NO!  The View is toxic??  My feeling is this ... if you want to watch intelligent women discuss political issues like adults, this is not the show to watch.  Turn on PBS or catch the BBC.  

Abby Huntsman's fake reason for leaving The View?  To work on her father's political campaign.  

NEXT ...

Megan and Harry ...

This is a big WOW.  The royal family must be spinning, but what I come away with is that Harry must REALLY LOVE Megan.  I also think he still remembers how his mother was stalked by the paparazzi and that has remained an open wound on his heart.  I can't even imagine the type of pressures an American, who has no real conception of what it means to be a part of the royal family really means.  I mean Diana was a Lady, grew up as a part of the British aristocracy, KNEW the Queen and rubbed shoulders with royalty and SHE had a difficult time, so I can't even imagine what this poor girl is going through.  I wish them both luck.  

Meghan King and her cheating husband baseball player Jim Edmonds ...

I like this gal.  She seems to be relatively normal and she is young with three babies and a husband who constantly leaves her alone to go play baseball.  I believe she is his third wife and if you watch the show you can see how selfish he is.  So, boyfriend was found sexting with the babysitter (what else is new) and Meghan found out.  This is a quote taken from an interview she did:

Since the divorce – Meghan has moved back to California with her three children but still questions why or how this could have happened to her saying, “Why did it happen? Did I have a role in it? I’m sure, some part, right? There’s always two sides but I really wanna be like, ‘screw you,’ and place all the blame, right? And cry and kick and scream.”

Hon, let me tell you why it happened ... because you married a shit.  Period.  Why do you think men like professional baseball players marry really young and beautiful women?  BECAUSE THEY CAN LIE TO YOU VERY EASILY AND YOU BELIEVE THEM BECAUSE YOU LOVE THEM.  

Listen to Auntie Debbie, divorce his ass, get every penny you can and move on.  
NEXT .... 

Vicki Gunvalson and the Housewives of Orange County 

Let me make one thing perfectly clear.  I no longer watch The Housewives of OC because I can't stand Vicki Gunvalson.  She has been reduced to "friend" status on the show which means she is not an actual cast member anymore because, I feel, so many people wrote in to Bravo about how they need to get rid of this parasite that they finally listened and reduced her appearances on said series demoting her to "friend" status.  I did, however, watch the Reunion specials (because you really don't need to watch the entire season to find out what happened because the same thing always happens, they go away on a fabulous trip, everyone fights and that's it.) and there she was screaming about how SHE started the franchise and now they want to kick her off!  Girlfriend, YOU did not start this franchise.  That would be Andy Cohen.  And in my humble opinion, he has been a major contributor to the dumbing down of America, but that's another story.  

NEXT ....


... doing her come hither pout.
The world's a twitter because Jenny from the Block did not get an Oscar nomination for her brilliant performance in "Hustlers" ... (wait .... I'm choking) ... OK.  Better.  Folks, Jennifer is good at what she does ... dancing, posing and getting engaged/married and divorced.  Is she Meryl Streep?  NO.  THAT is why she didn't receive an Oscar nod.  

NEXT ....

Emily Ratajkowski poses nude in protest to abortion ban in Alabama ...

She said:

“This week, 25 old white men voted to ban abortion in Alabama even in cases of incest and rape,” the “Easy” actress wrote alongside the image. “These men in power are imposing their wills onto the bodies of women in order to uphold the patriarchy and perpetuate the industrial prison complex by preventing women of low economic opportunity the right to choose to not reproduce. The states trying to ban abortion are the states that have the highest proportions of black women living there. This is about class and race and is a direct attack on the fundamental human rights women in the US deserve and are protected by under Roe vs. Wade. Our bodies, our choice.”

OK.  For such an intelligent synopsis, a nude photo accompanying said statement is an OXYMORON YOU MORON.  Jeez!  If you want to be considered thoughtful and intelligent you do not pose fucking naked with a flower covering your twat.  


YEAH.  We get it.  You have a not body.  Now get the fuck over yourself.  

NEXT ....

Now, in all seriousness, allow me to end on a positive note.  

Y'all have a great day.


Emma Stone.  It's a beautiful gown but should have been in another color.  Grade:  A Michelle Yeoh.  Tres Elegant.  Perfection in electr...