I LOVE KATHY GRIFFIN! I've seen her live and she is HILARIOUS! I know she isn't everyone's cup of tea, but in the wake of her lung cancer diagnosis I cannot believe the ugly, cruel, hateful comments that people are making about her! It's really inhuman. One dude stated that he wished it was stage 4! Who does that? She's a human being facing an incredibly frightening situation and I for one am pulling for her a thousand percent!

I am confident she will get through it. She never smoked so that is a definite plus. My mommie had lung cancer and they removed part of her lung as well. It is a VERY PAINFUL surgery. However, in my mother's case, she smoked from the age of 14. When she received her diagnosis she was about 53. Here is the sad, SAD part ... she was never able to give up cigarettes. EVER. I knew for certain I was going to watch her die an agonizing death from lung cancer. Thank God she didn't. She died from a massive stroke at 70 years old. I was grateful that it was quick and I didn't have to see her suffer.
So let's all send up some love for Kathy.
NEXT ...
Ben and Jen ... awww look at them
I don't know about you, but I always wear heels when I'm wearing shorts on vacation.
My prediction? They'll marry. Be fabulously happy. Divorce. And then she'll marry Casper.
NEXT ... Ice T's wife is still breastfeeding their daughter ... SHE'S FIVE.
No doubt about it this is DEFINITELY ICE T''s baby girl. They have the EXACT SAME FACE. And I am so sorry, but that baby is creepy looking.
NEXT ...
Lourdes ... NO.
When I was in high school back in the 1970's, there was a trend among the surfer/hippie girls. They let the hair on their legs and underarms grow. Why? I have no idea, but they did. I thought it was gross then, and I think it is still gross today. That is why they invented razors, electrolysis, depilatories, etc., et al. Trends like this make me want to kill people.
That's all. The rant is done.