Thursday, June 17, 2021

The world returns to work ...


Apple employees have written a letter expressing their frustration over Tim Cook's order to return to the office

The real issue is this -- it is the drones (the non-execs) who have to come back to the office.  Not the CEOs, not the attorneys, not the important heads of departments.  It's the workers only.  The Drones.  WHY do we have to go back to the office when it has been proven that it is much more effective to have people work from home?  There is less absence, workers are happier, there are no distractions during the day due to multiple phone calls and taking messages or forwarding calls to voice mail.  And lets face it ... the big wigs ALWAYS work from home.  Why do I have to be there when I can work just as effectively from home?  And when it's time to call it quits, I'm already home.  I'm much happier and have more quality time for myself and my family.  You know that saying "happy wife, happy life?"  Well .... happy drone, happy drone.  

Even going to a Phase III type of environment -- a few days at home, a few days at the office.  When your commute is an hour or more and you have to deal with the stress of a long commute, sitting on a freeway that is a literal parking lot?  how does this serve anyone?  I'll tell you ... IT DOESN'T.  It just makes you want to put a Bullitt in your head.

NEXT ...

Kate Hudson says:  "Sex helps me stay in shape"

Of course it does Kate.  Now ...

NEXT ...

Emily Ratajkowski Calls Out Judd Apatow's This Is 40 for Objectification of Megan Fox

OK.  Chicks like this infuriate the fuck outta me.  Emily Ratajkowski, who "thinks" she is a feminist because she is calling out the objectification of Megan Fox in the movie "This is 40" needs to read some books and learn how to walk the walk of a REAL feminist.  
No. 1:  I am certain that Megan Fox knew what role she was going to play in this film.  I'm sure she read the script and new she was going to play a woman who steals money and works as an escort.  If it bothered her that much she shouldn't have taken the role.  But she did.  
No. 2:  Who the F are you to call this out?!  Last time I Googled your name this is what came up:

Eight hundred million pictures of you naked from head to toe.  For those of you who think I am slut shaming -- TOO BAD!  It's called hypocrisy people!
So yeah Emily.  SIT DOWN AND SHADDUP!!



Emma Stone.  It's a beautiful gown but should have been in another color.  Grade:  A Michelle Yeoh.  Tres Elegant.  Perfection in electr...