Saturday, March 21, 2020

MARCH 19, 2020 ...


SO, after working from home for the last week and now, at least for the foreseeable future, working from home until god knows when, I have been spending LOTS of time with my significant other, the one, the only, Danny of Dannyland.  AND, as we were enjoying a perfectly nice saturday afternoon, and because there is nothing to do but read, play on the internet, or watch TV, in between of course doing endless loads of laundry and washing dishes, Dan happened to look at all of the programs and movies we have recorded and felt the need to … well, I'll just let you read for yourself.

Dan:  Hon, can I ask you a question?  And before you say anything I'm not picking on you ok?

Realize that I KNOW I am about to get picked on.

Me:     Sure.  What?

Dan:    Well, I'm looking here at what we have recorded and ... well, why is it that you watch these kind of shows?  Vanderpump Rules, Shahs of Sunset?

Me:      I like to.

Dan:    But why?

Me:      It's mindless.  I can zone out.  

Dan:    But why?  Do want to live like those people?

Me:      No.  

Dan:    Then why do you watch them?  

Me:      Because I just do.

Dan:    But why? (I know.  He is like a 2-year-old.)

Me:     Because.  I like my dirty TV.  

Dan:    But why?

Me:      Because I can judge them ok?!     

Dan:    So you like to judge them?

(in my mind)

Me:      Hon ... can I ask you something?  

Dan:     Sure.

Me:       Why is it that you like to watch nothing but murder shows?  Wives with  Knives?  Snapped?  Are you planning something?

Dan:    No.  GAWD!  I just asked a question.

Me:      I know.  Can I ask you another question?

Dan:    Sure.

Me:     Why does it matter to you what I watch?

Dan:    OH MY GOD I WAS JUST ASKING.  SEE!  I just asked you a question!  OK forget it, forget it.

And they say this virus may stick around until summer.



Emma Stone.  It's a beautiful gown but should have been in another color.  Grade:  A Michelle Yeoh.  Tres Elegant.  Perfection in electr...