Monday, April 22, 2019

Eileen Fisher ...

This is another rant.

So I saw Eileen Fisher's new collection spring/summer.  Love it all.  But damn her clothes are EXPENSIVE!!  

These are clothes for women of a certain age, usually fat, or, if you're really tall they'd look great on you.  They have an oversized, comfortable look and feel and are made for rich ladies.  That is why rich ladies who are fat always manage to still look chic.  Fat ladies who are not rich always just look like fat ladies.  

For instance, this outfit right here:

Tres chic right?  Guess how much?  A total of approximately $1,000.  ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. 

Or this one:

Organic linen jacket - price:  $278

Really Eileen?  

And everyone fawns over this lady who designs "real clothes for real women."  You, Eileen, are a liar.  You design chic clothes for rich ladies.

FYI:  Do you know how much more money you'd make if you made your clothes available for regular ladies?  GUHZILLIONS.  You'd totally become a multi-billionaire overnight.  And I mean not scrimping on material or style just because your clothes will go into Target or Macys.

Another place I like to shop is J. Jill.  However, $49 for a t-shirt is excessive.  I usually wait for sales.  You can get some good stuff on sale.  BUT sometimes the quality isn't all that.  After a few washings, you might as well have bought the damn t-shirt from Target.

This is why I understand why older ladies dress the way they dress.  I could never figure out why my aunts, as they got older started wearing nurses shoes.  I thought that was so weird.  But now, I understand.  Or why they'd wear a beautiful dress or gown with ugly flat shoes to a wedding.  Now I understand.  I actually remember telling myself that I WOULD NEVER wear flat shoes with a beautiful dress to a wedding.  NEVER.  Now, I understand.

I come from a really cool blended family.  My husband's ex-mother-in-law is my friend.  We picked her up one day for a joint birthday party that my step-daughter was throwing for her grandmother, her mother, her aunt and myself.  February/March and April birthdays.  When we picked up Leeanne she looked beautiful and I told her so.  So she tells me, "Deb, I haven't put on a bra in months!"  I COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING.  But I get it.  Then we got to the restaurant.  It was one of those typical California days.  Ninety degrees in March.  Leanne hates the heat as I do.  So we both get off the car and immediately start whining.  As we're walking to the restaurant I see the family gathered around and all sitting on the patio IN THE BLAZING SUN.  Leeanne and I just looked at each other with a look that said ... GOD, KILL ME NOW.  


Emma Stone.  It's a beautiful gown but should have been in another color.  Grade:  A Michelle Yeoh.  Tres Elegant.  Perfection in electr...