Thursday, October 19, 2017

October 20th .... Happy Birthday Viggo

Though time has passed, the years gone by, my love for you, will never die.

How do I love thee? 
Let me count the ways ...

I love your sexy bohemian look with your long hair and scruff on the chin

I love you when you're all dressed up and look like an elegant man ...


 I love you in a plain ol' shirt when you look like a regular guy


I love you dressed in cowboy gear on a horse with a gun at your side

I love you in your bad boy look when you're all tatted up with a sneer ...


 But i love you most in your Aragorn suit with your sword
brandished high in the air ...


Happy Birthday you gorgeous hunk of man!


Saturday, October 7, 2017


So it appears that Harvey Weinstein’s a perv.  Surprise surprise.  

Most men in power are pervs.  It comes with the territory.  They think they’re Napoleon ... like Donald Trump ... free to grab a pussy if the impulse so inclines them.

Remember Elliot Spitzer? He of moral turpitude who was patronizing thousand dollar call girls at the same time he was cracking down on prostitution?  

Or, more recently, U.S. Representative Tim Murphy who just copped to asking his mistress to get an abortion … this from a man who is adamantly pro-life.  However, he is now taking the high ground and not seeking reelection. 

Dear Mr. Murphy,

You suffer from delusional thinking.  You're not seeking re-election because you know you'll lose .... because YOU’RE A PERV.

Not to mention all the other pervs who hate homosexuals but seek out homosexuals in park bathrooms.   
(I'd post pictures but there are too many).

And you know what happens to these idiots?  Nothing.  Except for Anthony Weiner (which I didn’t expect, but hey) …

Above we have that great American Newt Gingrich and his third wife Calista, who he married in the Catholic church after he asked his second wife for a divorce while having an affair with wife no. 3 but now he's a good Catholic and so sorry about all the fucked up things he did to wives no. 1 and 2. 

Arnold to Maid: "I know, why don't you and I make the nasty and I won't wear a rubber or use any kind of protection whatsoever because I am the Sperminator and my seed does what I tell it to do and we can do it right here in my house and nobody will ever find out because I have billions and billions of dollars that will buy the silence of my minions while I fuck around on my wife of twenty-five years and destroy the mental/spiritual and emotional health of my four children ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

Arnold, I have this funny little saying that I wish I could kill people for being assholes ... but only for ten minutes. In your case I'd make an exception. Instead of ten minutes just STAY DEAD. OK?

The only way this behavior will change is when WOMEN run EVERYTHING.  PERIOD.  End of story.

So if you’re like me and sometimes think to yourself you are going to burn in Hell for the all the terrible things you’ve said and done in your life … I’m here to tell you ... all you have to do is read shit like this and say to yourself … 


Emma Stone.  It's a beautiful gown but should have been in another color.  Grade:  A Michelle Yeoh.  Tres Elegant.  Perfection in electr...