Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Jada, you really oughta cool it with the Juvederm.  You could poke an eye out with those cheekbones.

SO, once again Jada Pinkett Smith has gotten her panties in a twist because her girl, Tiffany Haddish was not nominated for a Golden Globe for "Girls Trip."  Jada ... you do realize that "Girls Trip" is hardly Shakespeare.  Yeah it made a hundred million dollars, but so what?  It was a funny little comedy.  You gotta take a chill pill.  Your righteous indignation is getting a bit tiresome.

Just so you all know who was nominated in this category:

Best Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy
Judi Dench, "Victoria & Abdul"
Margot Robbie, "I, Tonya" (Tonya Harding biopic)
Saoirse Ronan, "Lady Bird"
Emma Stone, "Battle of the Sexes"
Helen Mirren, "The Leisure Seeker"

Girl, these are some heavy hitters.  Tiffany Haddish is funny as shit, but she has not yet earned her place in the above referenced category.  It's HOLLYWOOD Jada ... Like Washington D.C., but with more glitter. 
Quit trying to take a political stance.  It's just a movie. 

Personal Comments:  So, I saw "Get Out" ... how the f**k is this considered a comedy?  Yeah.  It got nominated in the Musical or Comedy category?  This movie scared the shit outta me.

I saw "Lady Bird" - Fabulous.
Am dying to see "I Tonya" (Tonya Harding biopic)
Want to see "Victoria & Abdul" - this girl loves a period piece.
No desire to see "Battle of the Sexes"
"The Leisure Seeker" - not sure I want to see this.  It's about Alzheimers and I'm afraid I'll cry.

SO I slept in the other bedroom last night.  Dan was snoring like a freight train.  This morning he finds me, kisses me goobye.  Calls me later in the day and says ...

Dan:  "Hey.  You slept in the other room huh?

Me:  "Yeah-huh!"

Dan:  "How come?"

Me:  Because you were snoring like a freaking freight train and I HAVE TO SLEEP.  You ALWAYS get to sleep.  I NEVER get to sleep.  If you were a nice husband you'd go sleep in the other room and I'd get to sleep in my nice comfy bed.

Danny:  [Silence]

TWENTY.  ONE..  YEARS.  Thank you.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Part II

         The Harvey Weinstein story seems to be getting worse and worse.  
          I have to admit that when Gwyneth Paltrow came forward I had to stop for a minute.  I had always imagined her as the Princess of Hollywood because of her family connections and believed she was protected from this type of behavior.  Obviously, I was wrong and I feel really bad about that.  And it seems that almost every actress in Hollywood was harassed by this ugly troll of a man and the numbers keep climbing.  And though I am ecstatic that FINALLY this issue is getting taken seriously, I too, am surprised at the number of women coming forward and the number of men who are being accused. 
          Because I've worked for assholes like Harvey Weinstein, those walking, talking assholes who tear through your life like a Tasmanian Devil wreaking pain and havoc on everyone they come in contact with.  Their unreasonable temper tantrums, their physical and verbal abuse.  The yelling, screaming, condescending, threatening, narcissistic assholes in positions of power (are you reading this Henry Sanchez, Esq., you dick) YEAH.  I NAMED HIM.  Those who could determine your fate in the workplace and make your life miserable or leave you jobless .... and NOTHING ever happens to them.  EVER.  They fire you, and keep the asshole.  I surely hope that the Weinstein story will put an end, FINALLY, to this type of behavior.  Not only sexual harassment, but also bullying of women. 
          I have countless stories of being harassed by men I have worked with.  But one in particular I will share.  In the 1980's I was employed at a big law firm.  I had one lunch date with an attorney I worked with.  ONE innocent lunch gave him the idea that it was OK to cop a feel of my ass as he got off the elevator in front of three of my co-workers.  I could not believe what he did!  The four of us stood there with our mouths open.  I was in shock for a minute ... then I got pissed.  I walked to his office to confront him and this asshole had the nerve to yell at me!  "Get the fuck out of my office!"  I remember telling him "this isn't over."  I went to the managing partner of the firm and told him, and after being grilled about the extent of "our relationship," had I ever seen him outside the office AT NIGHT, what was I wearing at the time, etc., et al. (basically, trying to find out if it was MY fault he felt he could put his hands on me) he said he'd talk to him.  Guess what happened?  NOTHING.   
          This has been the M.O. of abusers and what it was like being a victim of sexual harassment, verbal harassment, bullying etc., et al.  NOTHING happens to the asshole.  Why?  Because hes IMPORTANT, he makes LOTS OF MONEY, he has a lot of CLOUT and POWER and you're just a drone. 
          Harvey Weinstein has changed all that.  Why?  Because miraculously, the Universe decided to line up and call out this asshole for what he is . A sexual deviant who preys on women. 
          Kevin Spacey, Louie C.K., James Toback, Brett Ratner, James Woods, Roy Moore, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer and probably a hundred more by the time I post this.  And do not forget that our president has also been accused of groping, grabbing, and basically acting like a lecherous pig as well.   
          What does this tell us?  Ill tell you what it tells us WOMEN NEED TO RUN THE WORLD.  This is no joke.  Men who have lots of power cannot seem to control themselves.  A woman would NEVER jump out of an office naked in front of a stranger and ask if it's okay if she masturbates.  A woman would never put her hands on a man's ass or in his pants.  EVER. 


          This beautiful Latina, Maria Contreras-Sweet, has put in a $275 million dollar bid to purchase the Weinstein Company and make it all female!  Yes!  Female Centric Leadership!  I tell you it is the year of the woman.  God Bless you Maria!
           I would like to say something about all the good men out there.
  And there are plenty!  I work with a lot of them, real gentleman who are respectful, kind and generous.  I feel very bad that they may be getting lumped in with all the disrespectful, narcissistic pervs out there.  It isn't fair.  But, .... let's face it, this outing of mean, perverted men is long overdue and I for one am ecstatic. 


Thursday, November 2, 2017

A rant ....

Things that bug the shit outta me...

   1.   J-LO

She finds more ways to stay in the news than Donald Trump.  I saw this on MSN last night …

Lopez Reveals She 'Lost Herself' After Ben Affleck Engagement 'Self-Destructed in Front of the Entire World' 

Jennifer, this was a hundred and fifty years ago in 2003 .... No one cares.  You've already had 16 boyfriends since, including a marriage and a divorce, and you now have ANOTHER new boyfriend ....

Gee!  Do you think he'll ask you to the prom????!!! 

Seriously Jen, you gotta grow the fuck up.  You're not 19 anymore ... you're pushing 50 hon.  And FYI folks, she's EIGHT years older than Alex.  I just felt the need to say that cause I’m a bitch.  Jennifer?  Do you think you could ever date a MAN who is older than you?  Like EVER?  

I didn't marry until I was 39.  I had a LOT of dudes.  But girl, you got me beat by at least 30.  Your ass has seen more dudes than a toilet seat.  And personally, I don't know of any women at the age of 48 who is as giddy and girly as you about love.  It's really quite embarrassing. You gotta pull yourself together bitch.


3.  Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

No face in the history of mankind has ever been in such dire need of a bitch slap.  If you want to make me homicidal all you have to do is make me listen to her answer lie yet another question while enduring her endlessly blathering spin.

She must be destroyed.

 4.     Anything and everything having to do with 
         Trump.  All I have to do is hear his voice and 
         I slip deeper and deeper into a state 
         permanent malaise, and I am swallowed up in 
         a vortex of "big words" and tweets that make 
         me want to stick a fork in my brain and perform 
         my own lobotomy to remove all remnants, 
         memory, recall, thoughts .... of EVERYTHING
         Trump.  Like that movie "The Eternal Sunshine of a
         Spotless Mind."
Because to continue on in this fresh Hell of reality I realize that Satan has inhabited the White House and the world is fast approaching Armageddon.  Really.


5.    Sex Scandals of all types … now that everyone is coming out of the woodwork and accusing every man on earth of groping, harassing, and abusing, my fear is this: that people are ONCE AGAIN not going to take it seriously.  

Bottom line, when a woman accuses someone of sexual abuse and she goes to her Human Resources Department to report it THEN HUMAN RESOURCES SHOULD DO SOMETHING EVEN IF THE ABUSER IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING COMPANY (can you say HARVEY WEINSTEIN??????) GET IT??!!


*sigh* .... done.


Emma Stone.  It's a beautiful gown but should have been in another color.  Grade:  A Michelle Yeoh.  Tres Elegant.  Perfection in electr...