“The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Dear Donald:
It is true that there are many illegals here in the United
States. But not all of them are from
Mexico. Did you know for instance, that there are lots
of Chinese women who come here to have their babies so they will be
citizens? Yeah yeah. It’s true.
They’re called “Chinese Birth Tourism Rings” and it’s a big deal. Federal
agents recently broke up alleged "birth tourism" rings in Southern
California , raiding several homes and apartment complexes where
pregnant Chinese women on fraudulent visas paid up to $80,000 so their babies
would be born U.S. citizens. How come
you don’t say nasty, horrible things about them? Could it be because Chinese people are not
Donald, let me give you a
little history lesson about Mexican-Americans (although there shouldn’t really
be a hyphen between Mexican and American because we are AMERICAN, but you white
people feel better with the hyphen so, whatever).
Please keep in mind this is just my family history. There are millions of other Mexican-American families with equally proud and impressive histories. But for now, we'll concentrate on my family. My grandfather was born in Texas. He served in World War I. YES. The First World War. He was wounded in the Argonne forest in France and we have all of his medals. He was a career service man. Originally, he was in the cavalry and when he retired from the army he worked washing dishes. All of my uncles served their country. They fought in World War II and Korea. One uncle lost and eye and his entire torso was horribly scarred from being bayoneted by a Japanese soldier. My older cousins went to Vietnam and my brother enlisted in the Navy and was a Seabee for five years. MY relatives SPILLED THEIR BLOOD FOR THIS COUNTRY. What did yours do? My relatives were all born here, drafted, and went to serve their country WITHOUT QUESTION. And miraculously, they all came back. They have all contributed to society working in construction as lathers, electricians, and so on. WHAT DID YOU DO IN VIETNAM Donald?
By the time your number (356) came up on December 1, 1969 you had already received four student deferments and a medical deferment, according to military records on file with the National Archives and Records Administration. In my book, this is called COWARDICE. Lack of cojones ("balls" or "gonads" in your language).
Mexicans, of which you are so painfully unaware, are hard-working, decent people. Even the ones that Mexico sends here (which you have wrong you stupid moron because those people are not "sent" here ... they're ESCAPING their circumstances). Poor fools. You see, they still believe in the American Dream and do not realize that that dream is no longer achievable. Unless of course you are born into inherited wealth. But again, that is neither here nor there. What I really don't get is why you care so much? Your life is not affected by these horrible Mexican criminal rejects. I would venture to guess that it's virtually impossible for any one of them to get even close to Trump Tower let alone actually get inside ... am I correct? I seriously doubt that you lose sleep over the Mexican rapist waiting to break into your gazillion dollar penthouse to rape your wife. Which if God forbid, did happen, you'd probably run away from screaming like a little girl
So Donald,
what I can tell you for certain, is that right now, just about every
MEXICAN-AMERICAN in this country will not vote for you. And as I’m sure you’re aware, there are a
whole bunch of us. So it looks to me
like you’re going to be a big ol loser Donald.
If, in fact, your run for president is actually a legitimate run and not just
another hoax for T.V. ratings. No one
takes you seriously Donald. You’re a
joke. And you look like an Oompa
Loompa. And nobody wants a president who
looks like an Oompa Loompa.
My advice to you would be to find a spiritual practice and to do some deep, DEEP soul searching. But honestly, I don't think you're capable of that because you'd have to have a conscience first and it's pretty obvious you are not in possession of one. I only hope that there is justice in life for people like you who are given so much materially in life, but who lack so much in heart and soul. The only way that that could be righted would be for you to be a Mexican-American and experience the prejudice and hatred that you yourself practice or, better yet, be an illegal Mexican who risks life and limb to get to a country where no one wants you to be and then try to make a life for yourself in the shadows ... struggling to survive financially and not be discovered. Or, perhaps better yet, be a black person during Jim Crowe. I think I like that idea best. It's called Karma Donald. And I really REALLY hope it exists and you get to experience your own hatred for yourself.